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Accounted for synonyms, accounted for antonyms

accounted for synonyms

In addition to the rental payment, theLESSEEassumes all property charges such as taxes,insurance, and maintenance. Something that can be sold or transferred to another party in exchange for money or as settlement of an obligation. Takeoverof a private company’s assets or operations by a government.

CURRENT VALUEof a given futureCASHflow stream, discounted at a given rate. Agreement between a future husband and wife that details how the couple’s financial affairs are to be handled both during the marriage and in the event of divorce. PENSIONS, health care, lifeinsuranceand other benefits that are provided by an employer to retirees, accounted for synonyms their dependents, or survivors. ThePOBis an independent oversight board, composed of public members, which monitors and evaluates peer reviews conducted by theSECPractice Section of theAICPA’s Division for CPA Firms as well as other activities of the SECPS. An actual count of allMERCHANDISEon hand at the end of anaccountingperiod.

Timing of Tests of Control

INTEREST rateon aDEBT SECURITYtheISSUERpromises to pay to the holder untilmaturity, expressed as an annual percentage ofFACE VALUE. DEBT instrumentissued by a privateCORPORATION, as distinct from one issued by a government agency or a municipality. Exchange of a convertiblesecuritysuch as aBONDinto another security such as a fixed number of shares of the issuing CORPORATION’sCOMMON STOCK. A deduction from aLIABILITY, such as discounts onnotes payable, which is a deduction from thebalanceof notes payable. Educational programs for CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS to keep informed on changes that occur within the profession.

Arrangement in which allowabletaxdeductions orEXCLUSIONSresult in thedeferralof tax onINCOMEthat would otherwise be payable currently. Charge levied by a governmentalunitonincome, consumption, wealth, or other basis. The simplest form of anACCOUNT, shaped like the letter T, in which increases and decreases in the account can be recorded. ACCOUNTINGmethod that reflects an equal amount of wear and tear during eachperiodof anASSET’S useful life. For instance, the annualSTRAIGHT-LINE DEPRECIATIONof a $2,500 asset expected to last five years is $500.

Stock Rights

Any individual or other taxable entity that is required to file areturn,statementor any other document with theIRSmust indicate his taxpayer identification number. For an individual, thesocial securitynumber is used, and if you do not have a social security number, the IRS will assign you aTIN. A federal or employer ID number is assigned to other types of entities and will use that as their TIN. Individual taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions are entitled to astandard deductionamount by which to reduceADJUSTED GROSS INCOMEin arriving attaxable income. The amount of thestandarddeduction varies by the type of the taxpayer and changes each year.

accounted for synonyms

Minor materials and otherproductionsupplies that cannot be conveniently and economically traced to specific products. A temporaryaccountused during the closing process that holds a summary of allREVENUESand EXPENSES before theNET INCOMEorlossis transferred to the capital account. Summary of the effect ofREVENUESand expenses over aperiodof time. An individual entitled to specialtaxrates that fall midway between single rates and married filing joint rates, if they fit the qualifying profile. Standards set by theAMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS which concern theAUDITOR’S professional qualities and judgment in the performance of his or herAUDITand in the actual report. Conventions, rules, and procedures necessary to define acceptedaccountingpractice at a particular time.

Operating Agreement

Amaterialthat will become part of a finished product and can be easily and economically traced to specific product units. Thelaborcost is for specific work that can be easily and economically traced to an end product. A complete and explicitstatementof an economic entity’s financial activities and holdings. Incomereceived but not earned until all events have occurred. Failure to meet any financial obligation.Defaulttriggers aCREDITOR’S rights and remedies identified in the agreement and under the law. An accelerated method of depreciating a tangible long-livedASSETby applying a fixed-rate based on some multiple of theSTRAIGHT-LINE DEPRECIATIONrate to itsCARRYING VALUE.

accounted for synonyms

Five days later, RNA was extracted from the micromass using an RNeasy kit . RT-PCR was performed using a standard method and PCR primers given in S8 Table. Lane M, 100-bp DNA ladder; lane 1, bone marrow just under the growth plate of a femur; lane 2, growth plate cartilage of the femur; lane 3, ear cartilage; lane 4, micromass culture from the ear cartilage.

Rhymes with Accounting

In Best’s account, the explanation can be traced to the divergence of humans and chimpanzees over the past 6 to 8 million years. Ultimately, the products we choose to purchase account for a relatively small fraction of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The period includes all changes in equity except those resulting from INVESTMENTS by owners anddistributionsto owners. Ajournal entrymade at the end of anaccountingperiodin order to prepare for the next accounting period by clearing the BALANCES of temporary accounts and summarizing the period’sREVENUESand expenses. The process of recording financial transactions and keeping financial records. A periodicstatement, usually monthly, that a bank sends to the holder of a checkingaccountshowing thebalance in the account at the beginning of the month, during, and at the end of the month. A ratio that shows the average length of time it takes a company to receive payment for credit sales.

Net Current Assets

The word “accounted for” means having been accounted for in an amount, showing that a certain degree of responsibility has been assumed. In finance, an account is an individual entry in a ledger that records the movement of money or other assets. In business, accounting is the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of financial information to make informed strategic decisions. A) Grant date – The date at which an employer and an employee reach a mutual understanding of the key terms and conditions of a share-based payment award.

accounted for synonyms

What does all is accounted for mean?

When people are all present and accounted for, everyone is in his or her proper place at the correct time. An example might be a school field trip. If all of the students are present and accounted for, that means they have all arrived, none of them is lost, and things can proceed.

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